Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Make Money Panhandling #4: Target

One time while I was flying a sign (legally, with a permit) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, I had the top Twinkie sign.  Some guy in the second lane yelled.  When I looked over, he hucked a pack of cupcakes at me.  Yum.
These bottom two slogans were on the opposite sides of the same sign.  When cars rolled up, I had the quarter side up.  When someone honked, yelled, or took a photo, I'd turn it around.  I got a lot of laughs with that sign.  But of all the funny signs I tried, the "I see you texting" sign had the most photos taken of it, always by women ranging from about 18 to 45.

Don't panhandle unless you're truly homeless or down and out, OK?

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